This is a short film impression of our last firing last October and an invite for interested potters to join one of our firings in Italy. We have a old quarry as our kilnsite in the foothills of the Alps in Piemonte in Valle Cervo. In 2022 we built our "Sophia-gama"
A doubble bourrybox throat-arch kiln, designed my renowned Estonian kilnbuilder Andres Allik. It gives us beautifull reduced results and also some nice spots for ash deposit-glazes. We use exclusively homemade glazes and source our glaze materials locally for the most part. Our glazes range from Shino's, Ash-glazes, Temmokus and Celadons.
If you are interested into joining us please book on the workshop-pages.
If you have more questions please mail us at info@3TREESceramics.com
We are trying to make woodfiring in reach for all trying to keep prices affordable.. We will host you in a simple mountainhouse, but also other options are available in the valley.
so reach out and do a firing soon..!
~Joris & Cora